Yoga: Three reasons not to do Yoga pose – Crow

The Yoga pose Crow – (Kakasana, sometimes called Bakasana)
“Kaka” means crow (a large black bird with a loud cry) and “Baka” means crane (a tall water bird with very long legs). The body in this yoga pose resembles that of a bird, thus the names, crane or crow.
The Yoga pose Crow is a moderate inverted balancing posture, which builds strength in the upper extremities (arms, forearms, elbow joints, hands, wrists, clavicle, and scapula) and gives you the confidence to begin work with the Headstand and the Handstand. The Crow pose requires courage (to risk falling on your nose) and hip flexibility (to bring the thighs alongside the chest).
The Crow is one of the yoga poses that actually looks a lot harder than it really is and it requires much more coordination, concentration and awareness than the muscular strength in the upper arms.
As you hold this yoga pose the chest is immobilized so that you can only breathe abdominally. Remember to keep your attention on the breath because this yoga pose brings the habit of holding the breath as you focus on the balancing act.
This yoga pose reinforces the arm, shoulder and abdominal muscles, wrists and the upper torso. It stretches and lubricates the joints, tendons and ligaments of the upper body. It tones the abdominal organs and opens the groins.
The Crow pose increases both physical and mental balance, concentration and tranquility. It balances the nervous system, brings lightness to the body and prepares the mind for meditation.
Although the Crow pose gives us tremendous benefits for the mind and the body, in some health conditions this pose is not safe to be performed.
Three important reasons not to do yoga pose Crow:
1) Do not practice this yoga pose if you have a carpal tunnel syndrome (a lot of pain and weakness in the fingers and wrists), as it may aggravate the problem.
2) In pregnancy do not attempt this pose instead only try pregnancy yoga.
3) If you have high blood pressure, avoid this yoga pose.
Caution: Always check with your doctor if you have any doubts or concerns regarding the suitability of this yoga pose for you.
Issued in public interest by Subodh Gupta Celebrity Yoga Instructor in Chelsea, Kensington London