Raisins are good for skin and hairs in addition to help fight against infection and many other benefits.
Raisins can also help in relieving constipation, prevent anemia, lower your risk of cancer and heart disease and also a delicious replacement for unhealthy sugary snacks.
Raisins benefits for the hair:
Raisins contain many nutrients which are beneficial for the hairs such as vitamin B, iron, potassium, and antioxidants which are needed for improving the condition of the hair.
Iron which is available in raisins is needed for maintaining the health of the hair as deficiency in iron can cause a dull and lifeless hair and hair loss. Iron not only improves the blood circulation in the body but also stimulates the hair follicle cells which helps in making the hair healthy and strong.
Benefits of dates for the bone health
Vitamin C in raisins helps the absorption of minerals and maintain the natural colour of the hair. Raisins also helps in strengthen the blood vessels which reduce flakiness and itchiness of the scalp.
It is said that Raisins also help fight hair loss caused by environmental damage.
Antioxidants can also help prevent hair loss in addition to controlling aging process. Vitamin E further strengthens the cell and prevents the free radicals from destroying the hairs.
Raisins benefits for the Skin
Raisins keep the skin healthy and glowing as raisins protect the skin by guarding the cells from any damage. In addition to raisins, papaya is also considered good for our skin and hairs.
Raisins are packed with phenol, an antioxidant that prevents the free radicals from damaging the skin cells, and control aging signs such as the appearance of wrinkles.
In addition the antioxidants in raisins helps in the skin repairs and also rejuvenate the skin cells and prevent sagging of the skin.
Black raisins said to detoxify the body by flushing out the toxins from the body to get a clean and glowing skin.
Just like Raisins, Spinach is also very good for the skin and hairs
The phytochemicals in raisins protect our skin cells from the damage caused by the exposure to the sun.
Raisins in addition to being beneficial for skin and hairs, antioxidants in the raisins fight the free radicals in the body and slows down the oxidation process and prevents skin damage.
Vitamins A and E in raisins helps forming new cells in the skin’s outer layers.
How to make our own raisins
Buy grapes from the market, wash them properly and remove the stems.
Place grapes on a perforated tray( for air circulation), and put the tray outside in the sun.
Ensure that the grapes have proper sun exposure.
Within just two to three days, you’ll can have your own raisins ready.