Mind Relaxation techniques

Mind Relaxation techniques

When the body and mind are constantly overworked, their natural efficiency decreased. A few moments of bad moods, anger, fear or irritation can consume great amount of energy leaving the person drained.

Psychosomatic illness such as diabetes, hypertension, migraine etc arises from tension. If we are able to balance our tensions we can control our emotions, anger high blood pressure. If the mind is tense the stomach will also be tense and if the stomach is tense, the whole circulator system is also tense.

Some time people sleep and when the wake up still feeling themselves exhausted and do not realized why? Unless we are free from muscular and mental tensions we can never feel relaxed.

However we can come out of tensions and body and mind can be re-energized by the proper relaxation.

As mind send signal to various body parts to work similarly it can also send message to rejuvenate the tired muscles. Small relaxation can be taken between asana whenever you feel tired. At the end of every asana class a complete relaxation is practiced. The autosuggestion begins with the toes, ankles, knees and moving upwards through the muscles. This relaxation pose is called savasan or Corpse pose.

The progressive movement of awareness through the parts of the body results into physical and mental relaxation.

Apart from savasan, deep breathing is also very effective in bringing our mind in cool and calm stage whenever we do.

One of the method for Relaxation by Practicing Savasana Posture

Step by Step

(1)In Savasana it’s essential that the body be placed in a neutral position. Lie down on floor on your back with arms about 15-20 cm away from the body.

(2)Palms facing upward.

(3)Feet can be slightly apart say around 40 -60 cm.

(4) The head and spind should be in straight line.

(5) Make sure for the next 10-15 minutes body should not move and relax.

(6) Take few deep breath (say around 5 to 7).Deep breath is very good for relaxation. Think of one blessing in your life .

(7) There should be no tightness or stiffness in any muscle in our body. To begin with, take your attention towards your right hand (in your mind) and relaxed it and if there is any stiffness just release it. Next take your awareness to your right wrist,elbow,right shoulder,right side of
waist,right buttock,right thigh,right knee,right ankle,heel,right toe and do the same procedure if you fine any stiffness or tightness in any part just release them.

(8) Repeat this same process with your left part of your body and all the part of your head.

(9) Now bring your attention to your breath and start observing it around your nostril area. Make sure you are only observing your breath and not controlling it. When breath goes in your nostril area then observe it and acknowledge the fact that breath has gone inside the body. When
breath goes out the nostril area just acknowledge the fact but do not control it. Do this practice for about 10 minutes.This practice can be done before sleep.


Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression Reduces headache, fatigue, and insomnia.

Helps to lower blood pressure


In case of back injury or discomfort when you feel difficulty in lieing on floor with legs straight on floor then do this pose with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.

If you feel uncomfortable under your neck when you are lying on the floor, then you can place thin pillow under your neck.

Issued in public interest by Subodh Gupta Celebrity Yoga Instructor in Chelsea, Kensington London